
Apache Camel K Installation Process In a nutshell

Apache Camel K is a lightweight integration framework built from Apache Camel that runs natively on Kubernetes and is specifically designed for serverless and microservice architecture. Camel K installation can be done easily on different containers. this post is mainly focusing on the Minikube running within the Docker platform. Besides the docker, VirtualBox is also another alternate option to install with Minikube. Prerequisites : Docker Engine/ VirtualBox Minikube Kamel Command Line Interface (Camel CLI)   Installation Steps: 1.   Docker Desktop/VirtualBox: a.      We can choose either Docker or Virtual Box as a containerized platform to host the Minikube.   b.      I will be using Docker for this installation. I have downloaded the latest version of Docker engine for Windows platform from the docker website c.      Alternatively, you can use VirtualBox ...

Oracle ADF 12C : JBO-28102: A request was timed out while waiting for a resource to be returned to the resource pool

Hello Everyone , JBO Exception : JBO-28102 - A Request was timed out while waiting for a Resource Introduction :  In this post, I would like to explain you a generic JBO exception in Oracle ADF that throws an exception when there are no resources available to accommodate the new connection in the connection pool. In my project we have implemented a Web service using Oracle ADF SDO(Service Data Objects) to expose CRUD operations on the Business components. After the deployment in WebLogic server, we started observing the exceptions in server logs with the error message  "JBO-28102 - A Request was timed out while waiting for a Resource". This exception normally happens when there is no available resource to allocate new database connection.  To avoid such exceptions, there are options such as tuning connection pool configurations besides that, Below two other solutions that we have tried to resolve this issue, I believe any one of these will be useful for your us...

Common Errors - Invoking Oracle Stored procedure from MuleSoft 4.0 - DateTime formats and Default values

Introduction :  In Mule implementation, a common mistake while invoking Oracle's stored procedure is, incorrectly defining the order of IN/OUT parameters. These IN and OUT parameters data types and format should match with Oracle DB stored procedure's definition. Problem Statement :  I have recently come across a scenario, where I need to invoke Oracle's DB stored procedure from Mule with IN/OUT parameters. out of which couple of fields are having Date as datatype. During the invocation, there were some errors appeared which is little tricky to understand, however, the root cause was incorrect format of the input Date type parameter. I am taking a sample procedure and DB table mentioned below to illustrate the error scenarios with Oracle DB Procedure call and their possible solution. Database table structure : Oracle DB Procedure :  XX_TEST_CREATE_ORDER CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE xx_test_create_order     i_orderid       IN NUMBER,   ...

Disabling Holidays and weekends days in af:inputDate component

Hello, In this post, I would like to explain the disabling functionality on specific dates in input date component in adf. in the above date component i have disabled the Friday and Saturdays in every month and 1st 2nd 5th dates are the holidays as per my calendar so i disabled this list of dates. In order to achieve this functionality we need a special class that implements the "DateListProvider" interaface with one overriden method is as follows. package; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import javax.faces.context.FacesContext; import org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.model.DateListProvider; public class DatePageBean  implements DateListProvider {     public DatePageBean() {         super();     }     public List...

JDev/ADF -- Programmatically Deleting selected rows in ADF Table

Hi, In this post i would like to explain you, how to delete selected rows from the table programmatically. Using check box selection. Employees Table with select Boolean check box. From the ValueChangeEvent, prepare one ArrayList with the keys of Selected Rows.     public void employeeSelectionListener(ValueChangeEvent valueChangeEvent) {         // Add event code here...         DCIteratorBinding dci = getEmployeeIterator(); // fetches the Employee Iterator Binding         if(valueChangeEvent != null && Boolean.parseBoolean(valueChangeEvent.getNewValue()+"")){         Row row = dci.getCurrentRow();         keyList.add(row.getKey());         }         else{        ...